Project 365 2019: Part 4

Good morning! Just one more little post and I’ll be done with this Project 365 series! Of course, there are a ton of photos I didn’t have space to post. You can find most of the posts in my album on Flickr – or go follow me on Instagram (but now that I’ve completed another year of a photo-a-day challenge, it may be mostly cat and knitting photos for a while).

pork chop seasoning from Penzeys


October was a pretty quiet month and mostly spent still obsessing about my fence, but I did do a couple cool things.

First, I got Jason an early birthday present: we went to see a screening of Say Anything to celebrate the movie’s 30th anniversary – and afterwards, we met John Cusack! For about 5 seconds. Along with 100 hundred other people. But he fist bumped us both, and put his arms around us. And he pulled us in a little, too! I can still remember what his hand on my shoulder felt like… ? (I appreciate John Cusack but I don’t usually have such a celebrity crush on him. We had just watch Lloyd Dobbler be sweet on Diane Court, though, so I was romanced.)

That same week, I joined some of my coworkers for a spooky night out at ValleyScare. It was more fun than I thought it would be! I imagined it being overly crowded and maybe a little too scary. We walked through a few haunted houses together, split up for a couple different rides (I experienced the Xtreme Swing and that was actually the scariest thing that happened all night), then toured one more haunted house.

It was a Thursday night, though, so we couldn’t stay out all night – but I was just feeling warmed up by the time we were ready to leave! Shoot. I guess I know I’ll be up for this again in the future!


In November, I birthday gifted myself a trip to Maui. (I guess it was for Jason, too, but we didn’t fly out until the day after his birthday.) We book-ended the trip with stays in Los Angeles, just to break up the airport time spent.

We survived the treacherous hike to the red sand beach! If I had read more about this beach before attempting the hike… I probably wouldn’t have attempted at all, actually. So I’m quite glad I didn’t — it was stunning.

I’m ready to go back, any time at all. (I’ll share more about the trip in future posts! At least, that’s my plan at the moment, of course.)

We spent Thanksgiving Day at our friend, Crystal’s, place. I tried to make my first “cut glass salad” and… there were learning moments.

There was a gnarly snowstorm that kept us from our usual family time in Iowa for the rest of the weekend, so it was a pretty quiet holiday for us.


December was also pretty quiet. It felt like a pretty low holiday season for me, all around. I was super busy at work, visiting the chiropractor a lot, trying to get in control of my nutrition and just generally stressed out & overwhelmed.

My office did throw a very lovely holiday party at Cafe Lurcat, though. The food was delicious, the drinks were never-ending (practically), and there was plenty of laughter to share.

Jason and I also made it to South Dakota for a weekend of family Christmas celebrations, but it honestly didn’t turn out the way I expected. I wasn’t feeling great heading into the weekend, which didn’t help matters, but it wasn’t all bad. I got to visit both of my grandparents a little, which was good, and I got to hugs friends and family I don’t get to see very often. Jason and I discovered a tiny arcade, too, so in the future we know where we can kill a little time if we need to.

Jason and I spent New Year’s Eve on the sofa, with the kitties. I popped some Prosecco in a glass, watched the ball drop at 11pm (CST), and cheers’d to the new year. That’s a wrap on 2019!

Other 2019 Project 365 links: Album on FlickrJanuary–March RecapApril-June RecapJuly-September Recap


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