Okay, it’s the middle of February and it’s a little crazy that I’m still reviewing my 2019 photos… but, dang it. I’m on a mission here. Readjusting my own routine to allow in some blog writing every week hasn’t quite panned out, but I’m still trying! I’m going to try to power through the next two quarters of 2019 to get to the various traveling adventures that I really would like to be reviewing more – but one thing at a time!
In July, the “kids” did all the meal planning for the annual Sullivan family reunion on Grandpa’s farm. The party evolves a little every year but it’s always a good time. I taught two of my aunts how to knit! We also got to enjoy a trail ride again this year.

A week or so later, I convinced Jason to visit the new Bell Museum with me. I rewarded him afterwards with a visit out to the Minnesota Scottish Fair.
My neighborhood knitters and I also had our 4th annual summer retreat out to a lakeside cabin for a weekend. I really treasure this new tradition in my life, even if it was a little bit rainy this year.

August was packed! It started with a trip down to the annual hot air balloon festival in Indianola, Iowa. On the way down, Jason and I stopped to see the crash site where the world lost Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper.
At the balloon festival, the whole family joined as we watched the balloon racers come in for a landing. Jason and I even remembered to bring our own chairs this time (upgrading ourselves from lawn blanket-sitting & eventual sore butts).
The happy weekend was taken down a bit when we got home, though. Sio, our elderly cat, had not eaten much (if anything) and it was apparent her time with us was almost up. We said good bye to her just a few days later.

On a professional note, I attended Digital Summit here in Minneapolis. It’s not a conference that particularly applied to my work skillz, but it did provide some insight into the industry I work in and it’s always a good experience to hear from new-to-me smart people.
Hannie and I went to see the Acrocats for a second time. She’s at the age and of the quiet personality that makes it hard to tell if she’s having fun or not, but she spent a lot of the show texting photos to her friends. A few weeks ago, I even caught her wearing the t-shirt she picked out at the show. Little indicators that she enjoyed herself!
Jason and I spent the week leading up to our fifth wedding anniversary doing a lot of fun activities: we went to see the St. Paul Saints play.
We finally went to the Minnesota State Fair together (we have both attended with other people but had never attended with each other).

We also helped my cousin Mike celebrate his 50th birthday with a boat cruise on Lake Minnetonka. Afterwards we spent the night in Shakopee and went to the scene of our wedding the next day: the Renaissance Festival.
Heading into Labor Day weekend, I suffered a really intense back spasm. I found an emergency half hour massage to try to work some of it out, but it was deeper than that. So I started visiting a chiropractor – and I’m still going twice a week, but have made some good improvements! I still feel that twinge between my shoulder blades every now and then, though. I know I am older and this kind of thing happens, but I refuse to totally fall apart just yet.

The rest of September was pretty low-key. Jason and I headed over to watch the Twins plays for a special event day: Pet Appreciation Day. I was the most excited for the “Joe Meower” t-shirt part of the ticket package. (I have been calling Joe Mauer this for the past 10 years, at least, so I will take full credit for the nickname until the end of time, thank you.) It was a rainy, chilly day at the stadium, so I don’t think we even stayed ’til the end of the game.
The weather had much improved the next weekend, thankfully, because my local knitty committee and I went on a cruise on the St. Croix with Darn Knit Anyway (they sure host great field trips). It was so fun! In fact, we’ve already bought our tickets to go again this year. I love that I have a great group of knitty friends that like to do fun field trips!
For the rest of the month I obsessed about washing and staining my two-summers-old fence finally. A task I had meant to do the previous summer! (That was the year I built a patio and used up all of my outdoors projects motivation.)
Other 2019 Project 365 links: Album on Flickr • January–March Recap • April-June Recap • October-December Recap
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