Day 28 – Something that you miss

it isn’t until i start looking at photos that i get nostalgic for people or places. so, i looked through one of my flickr sets for inspiration to come up with a few points on this topic.

@ walker

sometimes i miss wearing glasses. (i got lasik last january and it’s totally awesome, but glasses can be such a good accessory).

@ thomas beach, lake calhoun

i definitely miss summer. and laying in the sun. and having a tan.

@ bell museum

there are times that i miss working at the university of minnesota.

@ san francisco

i miss san francisco.

@ the fort

of course, i miss friends that i don’t get to see very often.

@ elsie's

i miss being hip. 🙂 (this photo is rock-n-bowl and i’m hanging out with local musicians.)

@ u otter stop inn

i miss karaoke, too. i used to be a regular ’round these parts.



Your friend miss you, too! I got to watch some Powerpuff Girls at my aunt’s on Thanksgiving and totally thought of you guys!!


I got a surprise text message from Jess on my birthday – that was so nice! Completely unexpected.

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