Day 29 – Your favorite foods/drinks

If I had my Thanksgiving #2 photos uploaded, this would be a much more interesting post. But I don’t. I went out with friends for a long/late happy hour instead of coming home and catching up on my online presence, and now I need to think about going to bed.

So for now, just know this: I cannot resist a glass (or two) of good red wine and a plate of homemade spaghetti* with garlic bread. Also, this meal is guaranteed to make me fall asleep (contentedly), so please don’t forget to set a pillow next to me.

* I will never order spaghetti in a restaurant, unless I’m in Italy. And maybe not even then…

Tomorrow is my final day of this silly month-long survey. Will you miss it? I won’t really, but I’ll have to remember to update this bliggity-blog with my own topics.

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