worst saturday night ever

i so bored i don’t even want to do this. this is the least motivated saturday night i’ve had in a long time.

A – AVAILABLE: right now, yes. but only if you tunnel me somewhere warm ’cause i don’t wanna go outside.

B – BIRTHDAY: friday, november 13, 1981.

C – CRUSHING ON: a tall, skinny boy.

D – DRINK YOU LAST HAD: i’m a wino.

E – EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: what am i talking about? i’ve got different folks for different thoughts.

F – FAVORITE SONG: all of ’em.

G – GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: i got a sweet tooth, licorice drops and jelly rolls.

H – HOMETOWN: verm

I – IN LOVE WITH: wine.

J – JUGGLE: no

K – KILLED SOMEONE: just fish and plants (never on purpose, though)

L – LONGEST CAR RIDE: verm to greeley, colorado minneapolis to d.c.


N – NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 1 sister, 1 brother

O – ONE WISH: motivation? ability to make a decision? time for bed?

P – PERSON YOU TALKED TO LAST: well i told the guy at the shoe store several times that i was just browsing, and before that i chatted with a woman at the gym about how handy the $1 reusable bags from target are (as i used mine to carry my shoes) but really before all that i was hanging out with jason, talking about people on the food channel and stuff

R – REASON TO SMILE: there’s a boy i like. my cats are cute. i have good friends.

S – SONG YOU LAST HEARD: i wasn’t listening

T – TIME YOU WOKE UP: 10:30 a.m.


W – WORST HABIT: picking at the ends of my nails absentmindedly.

X – X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: teeth, ribs (i once bruised a rib while flying over the handlebars on my bike)

Y – YO-YOS: yes you are!

Z – ZODIAC SIGN: scorpio, hiss hiss

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