As much as I want to share each and every one of my favorite photos from events over the last month in their own posts, I just simply must catch up. I have some very big and exciting adventures coming up soon, and I need to be ready to update about those as they happen! Details about those are reserved for another post, but for now: on with the catch up!
I visited the Northeast Minneapolis Farmers’ Market. It was smaller than I expected, but very colorful and chipper.

Tiff celebrated her 30th birthday at her parents’ house on White Bear Lake. It wasn’t the best day for lakeside chilling, but we enjoyed ourselves despite the weather.

Susan and Steve hosted their annual party a little bit later in the summer than usual. I spent some of it chillin’ with Hannie, but most of it playing SingStar.

I went to the Minnehaha dog park with Kristi. We made a couple new canine friends and threw a lot of sticks for Ziggy.

My cousin, Jamie, moved to Woodbury. I joined some other family members at her housewarming party and we ate Rapt Pickles (some people call them Pickle Roll-ups).

I went to a hootenanny, which was nothing like what I expected. (It was better.) There was a girl with a turquoise guitar that I wanted to steal, but she played it much better than I would ever be able to. I let her keep it.

Ann moved to my neighborhood in Northeast Minneapolis. (More excellent people should follow suit!) We watched people roast William Shatner and a disturbing video with Bob Saget.

Kristi turned 27 on a Wednesday. Jared was working at the Minnesota State Fair, so I got to be her date. We went to see (500) Days of Summer and had a drink and chocolate cake on the patio at Pracna’s. The cake was lovely, and I should’ve taken a before photo instead of an after photo.

Jason and I made a proper visit to Sen Yai Sen Lek. We sat outside in front of the restaurant, which was a good choice, I think. The Pad Thai was delicious, and I loved the 3 kinds of chiles that they brought to the table for custom spiciness.

Bertine hosted the most polite clothing swap. Everyone asked permission from everyone else before taking various articles of clothes or shoes. I went home with a pair of shoes and a never-been-used purse.

Finally, I went to a game night at Mary’s apartment. There was a lot of healthy competition (from the boys) and giggling (from the girls).

And, also, Frankie is a cute little man cat.

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