if i hadn’t spent an hour wrestling with my sewing machine tonight (convinced i had broken something having to do with the bobbin) (though it turned out i had mis-threaded my top spool of thread), i might be finished with my first quilt block now. but… since it’s 11pm and i am starting to feel the tiredness (and a need for a glass of wine), i decided to finish it up tomorrow. i made good progress though!

i am working on cosmo cricket’s “circa 1934” pattern. it is a bit more advanced than i should have probably picked for my very first quilt, but it’s too late now!
i just need to trim my corner blocks (my first half-square triangles! so exciting!), then i think getting all of the pieces together will be easy.
i need to appliqué the “stick” that cuts across the block, but… this quilt has 42 blocks and i figure i’ll have time to figure out appliqué later. for now: just get the blocks sewn.

my crafting room is actually a pretty nice space to work in, considering i don’t have tables or decent storage yet. i had the radio streaming through my ipad and the kitties were trying to help… not a terrible way to spend an evening. (especially since my sewing machine isn’t broken!)
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