When I finally got myself on the road towards South Dakota, it was rainy and boring. It didn’t bode well for the weekend.

It actually turned out to be super hot and humid in South Dakota (though it stayed rainy in Minnesota). I was able to take advantage of Jen’s parents’ pool for a while. Jen and I spent a Friday afternoon floating around and catching up. I wish I had taken some photos—their backyard was bursting with beautiful, blooming flowers (blumen in German).
But, I didn’t. I saved all of my obnoxious photo-taking skills for that Friday night downtown—I may not have attended the official school reunion, but I still got to see the most important people.

Mom even got to show off another very important person (Hannie).

The only proper way to photography Suzanne is portrait-style because she is a million miles tall.

Gee, this is turning out to be a long—but great!—night.

I’m sorry about the next photo. I was walking while I turned the camera around over my shoulder and took random photos of those behind me. (Obnoxious, right?) I wasn’t looking and I didn’t know. When I saw this photo I almost fell over.

Finally we settled at Libby’s house. Though I don’t know who Libby is, it was a great place to hang out.

I think my inner 15-year old will always have a crush on Guthrie.

And then I went home at 4 a.m. The end. (Did you expect a more exciting end to the evening?)
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