i raked my garden today.

apparently there are a few things choosing to stay alive in this little pile of dirt, which is odd since nothing much wanted to stay alive during the whole summer.

maybe next summer i’ll only plant heuchera. this plant was the least work, for sure. it’s like a hasta, but not annoying.

more lantana next year, too.

bad news about the bleeding heart, though. bummer.

now about the rest of the yard…

hopefully most of the leaves will have fallen off the trees in the backyard by next weekend, or the following. then there’ll be a raking party. wanna come?

my other accomplishment today was getting a new floor lamp. my other lamp is all the way across the room —

— which i realized was sort of inconvenient last night, as my eyes were going buggy while i was trying to knit in near darkness.

wow, i’m exciting! i’m gonna go knit.
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