Where does the time go?

This month is flying by! Soon I will be moving and then I will no longer have internet at home and it will be time for the new fiscal year at work so I may be busy and I just haven’t written at all. I know I have wanted to write, and I should take up the practice of at least writing in my journal at home.

Anyway. So… Work has been eventful. Drawn to Nature happened on March 31st. I should post some of the photos that I took. Later. It went smoothly but we’re still working on tabulating all of the income and expenses. The exciting life of an Account Specialist!

Other than that, it’s life as usual. Trying to live cheaply but not succeeding very well. At least there are great, cheap things in the Twin Cities like the Dollar Theatre in Roseville (saw The Chronicles of Narnia last night for $1) and the Bell Museum‘s Cafe Scientifique (last night’s topic was the Physics of Superheros presented by Jim Kakalios).

I haven’t been taking many photos lately, either. Though I was finally good to my camera last Saturday night — there was a surprise 50th birthday party for my uncle, Darman, and an early birthday party for Rebecca.

The surprise party was in Stillwater, MN — hosted by some friends of Darman and his wife, Laura. Darman thought he was coming over to have a quiet night and play board games. He said he was truly surprised!

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This was a very nice dog, Eli, but he was nervous for much of the evening. Immediately after I accidentally took this photo with the flash on, he ran behind a couch. Oops!

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Baby Salil! 4 months old and this was the first viewing for a lot of the family. He drew quite the crowd of women!

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Rebecca’s party was a bit later, back in St. Paul. We ate Bernie Botts’ Every Flavor Beans until there were no more, played games like Set and Candyland and discoed for a bit, too.

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So. Yeah. My brain hurts now and I want to go play outside.

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