
Last Thursday I headed back to Vermillion, SD with friends, Mary and Jon. It was a very quiet weekend. My parents actually left me alone in their house early Friday afternoon to late Saturday afternoon because Omaha, NE is more exciting than me. That’s okay, though. I spent that Friday night knitting, drinking milk and hiding from the world (though I’m completely addicted to text messaging and I still did a bit of that). It’s pleasant being antisocial and doing nothing of importance. On Saturday night, though, I had to get out of the house and see people.

On October 1st, Baby Emily celebrated her first birthday! The party didn’t “start” until 7pm at Hy-Vee, but I got there around 6:30pm. I hung around with Ryan and Jane. Jane held Emily as I snapped a few pictures, but Emily wasn’t feeling very well, so she’s a little grumpy in all the photos. Mommy Wendy was running around and it was hard to get a picture of her with Emily.

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At 7pm I headed over to Chae’s for dinner because Kelsey was celebrating her 24th birthday.

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It was a fun time and I’m glad I sat on the “fun” side of the table. Other patrons were looking at us each time we burst into laughter. It seems we’re not socially acceptable in restaurants, just bars. So after dinner we walked across the street to the Main Street Pub for a few drinks.

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I did not take any shots, and Kelsey almost didn’t but then she got birthday tricked! Oh, well. We made it out safe and I got Kelsey and Christina back to Kelsey’s house for some karaoke madness and an attempt at Trivial Pursuit.

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All in all, it was a decent time: Kelsey was drunk and I was social and Christina let me take pictures of her.

(This is where I get complain-y.) However, my sloth has since given me a near-constant headache. It’s getting better as the week progresses and I maintain activity. Tonight I have a quiz in my class and I should be studying. I’ll study after lunch. Maybe.

But this brings me to another matter. My “American Modern Design” class is totally too much work for me, which is completely ridiculous because what else am I doing these days? It just isn’t as fun as I thought it would be… “Hollywood Musicals” is going very well (though we just got our first paper assignment — the topic is vague and I’m not sure what I’m going to write about exactly), though. School just ain’t where it’s at. So maybe I’m not mature enough for grad school yet. I think I’m too into my laziness lately.

Oy. I just don’t know what to do with myself! I’ll change my mind tomorrow.

Also there is the issue of finances. I really would like to be more stable in that regard before I take on something new (such as more school loans). I should really just focus on working and getting myself into a better situation. Minnesota is an okay place to do such a thing and I’m glad to work where I work. I’m close to home, friends and family and there are always vacations to look forward to — Karyn and I head to Boston in two weeks (yay!) and maybe sometime early next year I can make it to Alaska to visit my buddy, Katie.

So that is how I am doing this week: trying to attain optimism and savings. Tonight and tomorrow night I’ll be cat-sitting and then I think I may be headed back to Vermillion once more before Thanksgiving or Christmas…

This is probably more than you wanted to know. I had to tell someone! So I might as well tell everyone all at once. Thanks for listening.

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