Viva LIVE Vegas

(178/365) @ mandalay bay

I went to Cisco LIVE this year to support my company and learn a bit more about the business.

@ mandalay bay @ mandalay bay / cisco live testing center

It’s always an adventure to get out of the cubicle and into the crowd. I got to talk to and goof around with a lot of Cisco-certified folks, and they’re all a blast.

@ mandalay bay @ mandalay bay / cisco live world of solutions

Of course, being surrounded by fun at the end of the day is always a bonus, right? A few of us were dismissed a little early one evening to go check out the World of Solution exhibition hall.

@ mandalay bay / cisco live world of solutions (179/365) @ mandalay bay / cisco live world of solutions

Marilyn Monroe told me that I could totally pull off her look. Maybe I shall someday… Halloween is a-comin’.

@ mandalay bay / cisco live world of solutions

While Casey got addicted to Splinter Cell…

@ mandalay bay / cisco live store

Tiffany and I went to the store’s photo booth.

@ mandalay bay / cisco live world of solutions @ mandalay bay / cisco live world of solutions

Booth babes. It’s too bad Tiffany hammed it up behind them, so the girls probably thought I was giggling at them. I’m sure they’re over it. (They’re probably not over it.)

@ mandalay bay / cisco live world of solutions @ mandalay bay / cisco live world of solutions @ mandalay bay / cisco live world of solutions @ mandalay bay

I took this photo before the signs to “not sit on the letters” appeared. Sorry, but it’s a good photo op!

@ mandalay bay

The next night we hung out with some Cisco authors. They’re only ridiculously smart, no big deal…

@ mandalay bay

One of them wanted to practice with my D-SLR, so I let him. I supervised the whole time.

@ mandalay bay

Group shot! My awesome coworkers and me.

@ mgm grand / viva live vegas

And what’s a conference without a crazy theme party?

@ mgm grand / viva live vegas @ mgm grand / viva live vegas (181/365) @ mgm grand / viva live vegas

Side note: it was completely awesome.

@ mgm grand / viva live vegas @ mgm grand / viva live vegas

Ultrasonic Rock Orchestra was like being inside a Rock Band game.

@ mgm grand / viva live vegas @ mgm grand / viva live vegas @ mgm grand / viva live vegas @ mgm grand / viva live vegas @ mgm grand / viva live vegas

Standing next to this gal did not help my self-esteem, but it was still cool to see her up close. So much bling!

@ mgm grand / viva live vegas @ mgm grand / viva live vegas

Blues Brothers!

@ mgm grand / viva live vegas @ mgm grand / viva live vegas @ mgm grand / viva live vegas

And Elvis! Cisco brought all of the sightseeing to its attendees, which I can appreciate.

@ mgm grand / viva live vegas

And Smash Mouth, but this is when we pooped out.

@ mgm grand / viva live vegas @ mgm grand / viva live vegas

Okay, one last photo op…

@ mandalay bay / cisco live testing center @ mandalay bay / cisco live testing center

And, somehow, our last day of work came and went so quickly. It was a blast. I’d easily do it all over again!


Sal Clemente

Hi Amy!

“Ultrasonic Rock Orchestra was like being inside a rock band game.”

That may be the single greatest thing anyone has ever said about our band! Really glad you enjoyed it and we had a fantastic time at the event (could you tell??).

If you like, come find us on facebook (Ultrasonic Rock Orchestra), and friend me (I’m the bald chap!).

Take care,

Sal (and your pals in the URO!)


Oh, awesome – thanks for the comment! 🙂

My coworkers and I totally rocked out with you all during “Bohemian Rhapsody,” which was way too much fun! I’m off on a Facebook search now…

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