Very lazy weekend

I was so lazy this weekend that I was starting to feeling unhealthy. Luckily I had yoga this morning (class was cancelled on Monday), which I think is inspiration to get moving again. I have to go to the grocery store tonight, so that’ll be good activity, too. (Wandering aimlessly through the aisles, that is.)

Anyway — the meat of this entry is about the small get-together I had on Friday evening. I wanted my pals to see my new home and I wanted to make them play Karaoke Revolution and Dance Dance Revolution with me. I win! Although I didn’t play that much, it was fun watching everyone get along. I totally felt the love!

Karyn brought a ton of food: blue cheese, pear mustard, flat bread, wheat thins, brownie bites, M&M cookies, asiago & artichoke dip, and a garlic-y cheese spread. Combined with my excessive amounts of chips and salsa and two dozen cupcakes, I had way too many leftovers. I managed to offload some of the cupcakes and gave the cookies to my coworkers, but my meals this weekend consisted of snack food. Also contributing to the unhealthy and lazy.

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Everyone looks sleepy. Um, I guess that means they felt cozy. That’s good, right?

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I was totally sending photos to Flickr.

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Also, I don’t know which of my clever friends arranged this, but it is a question for the ages:
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Here is the rest of my weekend until today (it is dull):

Saturday: I left the apartment once — to take out the garbage. I watched Whale Rider and Goodfellas and I did much cross stitching.

Sunday: I went to Lake Calhoun’s south beach with Kristi for a while. Then we ate burritos at Chipotle and had a brief excursion to Uptown Rainbow (her for taco salad fixin’s and me for cleaning supplies).

Monday: morning at work, lunch at Big Ten with Karyn and Bryan, afternoon of cross stitching at home.

Tuesday/Yesterday: completely unspecial holiday celebrated by doing laundry all morning and eating Karyn and Bryan’s food for dinner (brats, corn on the cob, and Karyn experimented with two cold salads).

I don’t have any other plans for this short week… My parents will be in town this weekend, and there are many plans for that. I think I will continue to cross stitch until then. Perhaps I will take a walk and cross stitch somewhere that isn’t my apartment. We shall see!

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