Up on the Rooftop

so, last night was pretty magical.




the prairie fire lady choir was invited to sing on the rooftop of the old grain belt brewhouse in northeast minneapolis — an evening with the works progress project, give & take.


the view was *outstanding*. i love minneapolis.



i also sang my first solo since grade school (not including those many years of being a karaoke regular, of course) and it went very well! i was nervous, but had come to terms with the fact that there was no turning back.

and i was so into my song that i completely wrecked my voice for the next song. whoops!



everyone at give & take wears a name tag — name, what you know, and what you want to know.


hello, my name is a amy.
i know cats!
i want to know if there is a deer eating my garden?

(seriously, just the tops of my plants are being bitten off by some naughty critter. i am worried about the future of the cucumber population in my garden! but i digress…)


our “green room” was in the library of the american craft council. so much inspiration in one (big) room! it was impressive and incredible.



i mean, seriously. i only wish i had brought my dslr — next time!

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