This crazy town

I took Friday off from work in order to clean the house and meet Kelsey, Cait and Elizabeth at Art With A Point in Uptown at 2pm. Kelsey had told Cait that for her 50th birthday, she would buy her a tattoo. Cait received a very lovely Celtic cross on the back of her left shoulder.

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That evening, as I was playing hostess, I decided that the newly-tattooed Cait would feel right at home at Click Here to View Album

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Afterwards it was too cold outside to do anything else, so we sat around my apartment watching TV shows about lawyers, eating cheese and drinking wine from Surdyk’s, and catching up. The next morning I brought them to Spring Street Tavern for a very klassy breakfast before they headed back to Vermillion.

I am assured that they had a very lovely visit to Minneapolis. Elizabeth was fun because she reminded me of how excited I was when I was a teenager and visiting Minneapolis and wanting to see shows at First Avenue and watching the news and it’ssomuchmoreexciting! I bet that Elizabeth will try living in Minneapolis someday — perhaps for college. Kelsey was fun because how often do I get to sleep in the living room and stay up babbling at someone ’til we pass out? Not often. Cait was fun because she asked me if I wanted to show my photos at the Vermillion Area Arts Council’s gallery. I was so excited that someone liked my photos that I printed out new photos to hang around my house on Saturday afternoon.

After visiting Target on Saturday, Jen came over and we played Karaoke Revolution and Dance Dance Revolution. Another friend from Vermillion, Kirsten, arrived around 5:30pm and we all went to dinner at Khan’s Mongolian Barbecue in Roseville. Yummy!

That night I rented movies (Monster-In-Law, Childstar, and Cake) and Sunday I didn’t even think about going outside since I was busy sleeping ’til noon, watching movies, and playing DDR/KR.



Yay for pictures! I should have some from my sister soon, as well, but sadly my whole family has been struck with this terrible, pukey illness. How are you guys feeling?


I think that Kristi and I have this terrible curse of un-illness this season so that we have no excuses to call in sick to work.

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