Third of July

Jared and his friends have had an annual Third of July party for over 10 years. Jared hosted it in the back yard this year, so I decided to “co-host” even though Karyn, Bryan, and Hannie were my only guests.

It was a good excuse to clean my apartment, even though no one saw it.

Karyn, Hannie and Mikey


My camera’s batteries died after this photo and I was too lazy to go upstairs to get a different camera. These photos are the only proof that I had guests at the party, too.

Washer Toss

Jared bought this nice game set for the party. One side was a washer toss, and the other was a bean bag toss. It provided good activity between dinner-eating and firework-igniting.

Noah and Dennis


Dave and Sarah

Kristi in front of the back of the house

The windows about the net lights are mine. I think Ampersand watched the party most of the night.



Ava’s shirt reads “Daddy’s Little Firecracker” and her version of hula hooping was spinning herself in a circle, pulling the hula hoop around with her. Too cute!

Hula Hooping

Around the Fire

Two Hoops

Sarah is about 4 months pregnant. She was the hula hooping star of the evening—at one point hula-ing two hoops; one was around her upper baby belly and the other was around her lower baby belly. Color me impressed! I bet the baby was having a good time, too.


Sarah and Ava

Then someone decided we should be lighting fireworks out in the street.

Street Fireworks

Street Fireworks

Boys and their Street Fireworks

Back Yard Fireworks

Why do boys seem to turn into zombies around fireworks?

Back Yard Fireworks

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