Things Goin’ On

Last night Kristi and I had a dinner party for the two-hour Cycle 7 premiere of America’s Next Top Model. It was awesome. While she was over, I received her permission to post this video from Jared’s party — she’s being silly. I think it’s hysterical, she was laughing at herself, you might enjoy it, too. Just remember: Do not play her game!

Tonight my pal Mary is hosting a party for the Grey’s Anatomy season premiere. I don’t care about Grey Anatomy, but I do care about parties. In order for me to attend I told her that we will also be watching the season premier of ER. So it’s a medical TV show premier party.

And tomorrow is Oktoberfest at Mario’s Keller/Gasthof zur Gemuetlichkeit! Are you coming? If yes, please polka with me. It’s unhealthy to polka alone.

I have to go back to work now. I’m attending four different preview sessions for the University’s new financial systems. Exciting.

Also of note: I am working on my greatest cross stitch project to date! It might inspire even greater projects.

I’m going now. Bye!

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