the weekend in photos

Comfortable cat doesn't care if you want to stand up.

my friday nights are never exciting and this one was no different. i fell asleep on the sofa and i woke up to a cat on my hip. i did manage to get out and do some fairly serious grocery shopping before the freezing rain was too terrible, though. that’s good because the food was running low in the house.

This is what it looks like to spend a yarn store paycheck (or two) at the yarn store.

i met new-mom kristi for brunch saturday morning, before heading over to the yarn store. i bought supplies for two new projects and a ball winder because YES. i have so many skeins of yarn that need to be wound before i can use them. i need a new bus project. what have you knit on the bus?



anyway, i spent an entire yarn store paycheck on this loot. and i had drank a cup and a half of coffee at brunch. so i was completely WiReD with nerdy excitement saturday afternoon. i sat down on the sofa with a cat on my lap and knit knit knit knit knit knit for hours. it was faaaantastic!


we enjoyed some of the groceries for dinner on saturday night. ellipses got a little bit of potato but ampersand was too skittish for a tiny nibble.





yesterday was a quarterly “cousin’s brunch” at jamie and shane’s house. all of the photos (except one) that i took feature their lovely great dane, ruby. i have thought for many years that if i had to have a dog, i would have a great dane. they’re just so big! i loved how ruby would just stand in someone’s way and she was impossible to move. she also almost trampled a few of the kids, which was funny because no one got hurt, of course.


this is the one photo that doesn’t involve ruby. this is rosie. i had just given her a chip to snack on. see it in her foot there? she’s a pretty bird. she also laughs at somewhat inappropriate times. that’s okay, i guess that makes her part of the family.

Oh, -22? Is that all? Pssh.

and that brings us to today. it is really cold, have you heard? i am thankful for indoor plumbing, remote start for my car, wool, and warm laptops.

also, many of these photos were taken with my holga lens/case on my iphone, which is creating that vignetting. it is a toy i received for christmas! maybe i should take a selfie with it…

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