Progress Report: 101 goals in 1001 days

Ok, the homestretch for this project — I have 290 days left to prove my determination. The thing is, so much of my life doesn’t really mesh with the goals on my 101-in-1001 list anymore. Life has changed in a variety of ways since January 2012. But! I’ll just see what I can do.

Maybe 2014 is going to be a crazyawesomespectacular year! There are plenty of items on this list to make for an awesome summer, at least.

I last updated with my progress in August, so here is what’s happened during September, October, November and December 2013 (this is a shamefully short list):

Completed! Yay!

  1. Send Christmas/Holiday Cards completed 12/22/2013
  2. Complete Project 356 again – started 01/01/2013, completed 12/31/2013


  1. Visit 10 new-to-me wineries/vineyards
    1. Madison County Winery – 09/28/2013
  2. Be free of credit card debt. (I paid off one of my credit cards in November!)
  3. Put $20 into savings for each completed task on this list, and $50 for each non-completed task
    ($440 due for 22 completed items, $50 due for 1 item that will not be completed)
  4. Finish my Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban-style Ravenclaw house scarf (Finishing knitting in November — now I just need to weave in the ends!)
  5. Knit five projects from Knitty patterns
    1. Dashing – completed 11/17/2013

Will not be completed:

  1. Increase Gage retirement fund contributions to 10% I left this job in December 2013!

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