Strengths Finder 2.0

My friend, Mary, showed me this book last weekend. It sounded a lot like Myers-Briggs (INFJ), but more insightful. So, I went and got a book (in order to get an access code).

My Top 5 Strengths
Adaptability (I can “go with the flow”.)
Maximizer (I want to make great things better.)
Futuristic (I’m inspired by what could be…)
Learner (I want to continuously improve myself.)
Empathy (I can easily imagine myself in someone else’s shoes.)

Interesting results — and accurate, I think. Do you?

I especially appreciate that the book (and website) also give me an action plan on how to best use or develop these strengths, and how to work best with others who share these strengths.



so mine is over 5 years old, but here’s what it was:

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