Ryan (and Jane)

@ parents' house

It’s been a long weekend, but it was very nice and happy…

Karyn, Bryan and I drove down to Vermillion on Friday morning. We had a quiet afternoon and evening with the parents, Ryan and Jane, Gramma and Grampa, Aunt Laurie and Cousins Jamie and Sarah.

On Saturday we celebrated Ryan’s completion of a Master of Arts degree. More family and friends came over and the good times were flowing (in the form of Jaegermeister). That evening some of us went for dinner at Chae’s, then another few of us went for karaoke at the Eagle’s. My cousins and I sang songs together and had a lot of fun!

Today we celebrated an early Christmas with my mom’s side of the family… and after everyone left, we had our small family Christmas. I got some good kitchen stuff and things for my future kitty (12 days ’til adoption).

Karyn, Bryan and I have to make the return trek to Minneapolis tomorrow… How much do I just want to take a week off from work? So much.

Overall, tired and will never be hungry again, but very happy. I’ll be back again next weekend (but it will be much, much more relaxed).

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