Really drives you insa-a-a-ane

So, practicing being a big girl in the city, I opted to bus to Legend’s for karaoke last night. I met Barry there and there was an unusual crowd… they were fun and funny, but quite diverse. It felt like everyone knew everyone else. Anyway, I’m always early and submittin’ a million songs right away, so Brenda sang and then I was her look-how-much-fun-karaoke-is! demo girl (which has happened several times before, I’m so eager to rock). I started with Frente!’s “Labor of Love,” moved to Veruca Salt’s “Volcano Girls” (which is a really fun song to sing methinks), then it was almost time to go home, so I told Brenda to pick a good one from my three remaining submissions. She picked TLC’s “Waterfalls.” I had tried this one before, but Left Eye’s rap had been cut out. I picked a different song number and this time got the rap! And it was awesome and I felt awesome and I mostly nailed it! Then I was out of breath, but the crowd was quite excited for a little white girl rapper and they gave me such an adrenaline boost! Hence the karaoke high. Woop! Barry sang one more song, then asked Brenda if we could “Time Warp” before we left. (Barry: “We could do that.” Me: “Sure, we could try it sometime.” Barry: “We could do it tonight.” Me: “I dare you!”) She sang and danced with us and it was all good fun, woo. All this rocking and we left by 11:30pm!

Meanwhile, my fish are at home creating a lot of noise with their rocks. I’m not sure what they’re doing, but I think they’ve buried the little sickly catfish and are creating a new fort. They are quite the little army, probably plotting my demise. (When I moved them to the new apartment, I had the tetra, the big poo-eater, and 12 catfish — including the sickly one.)

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