I decided last January 1st, on a whim, to take at least one photo every day in 2010 — also known as Project 365. My only rules for myself were that (1) I wasn’t allowed to use my phone camera to take the daily photo, and (2) I had to compose and shoot the photo on my own.

There were some days that I almost forgot to take photos and some days where I knew what I’d be taking a photo of beforehand. There are also a lot of photos of my cats.

Some facts about my photo collection (assuming I just accurately kept count as I scrolled through):
- Photos of me: 24
- Photos of my friends and family: 51

- Photos of beverages (mostly of the adult variety): 18
- Photos of food: 45

- Photos of cats (mostly my own): 24
- Photos of my sweetheart, Jason: 10
- Photos of flowers: 9

I did a lot of new things in 2010: I joined a gym. I bought a “new” car (used, but only two years old and one previous owner). I had LASIK eye surgery.

I traveled to Orlando, Florida; Las Vegas, Nevada; got lost in Arizona for a couple hours; and had a road trip through new England (Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine).

My friends and family got married: Ryan and Jane (technically married in October 2009, but we celebrated in America this year… and it now occurs to me they’ll be celebrating in Taiwan this year! Way to stretch the party, guys!), Jenny and Jeremy, and Kristi and Jared.

My friends had some adorable babies: Lucas (Jen & Tom), Aurora (Kelsey & Royce), Jaxon (Logan & Missy), and Lillian (who was born on New Year’s Eve to Erin & Jason!).

I attended two hockey games (who would’ve ever thought that would happen?) at the Xcel Energy Center and two outdoor, major league baseball games — one at the new Target Field and one at Fenway Park.

All in all: 2010 was a great year to document! I’m eager to see what kind of excitement 2011 brings my way.

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