Finished Object: OpArt Baby Blanket

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Pattern: by Melissa Dominguez, available on Knitty.
Made For: Lillian Mary, who was born to Erin and Jason on December 31, 2010.
Needle: US 7/4.5mm
Yarn: Berroco Vintage in gingham and banane
Completed: December 27, 2010 (blocking completed today)

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After a little bit of confusion when I started knitting this, it went pretty smoothly. It was a challenge knitting from the center to the outside since every row took just a little bit longer (added four new stitches per row) — making it seem a little bit further away from being finished. Of course, knitting over the Thanksgiving/Christmas season also means that I got distracted at times and maybe lost a lot of knitting time.

I ended up not making the full large size as I had originally planned since Lillian has arrived! In the end, I knit one row more than the “small” size. It’s a nice size, and I’m happy with how it turned out after blocking. Success!

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