Progress Report: 101 goals in 1001 days

I have just over a year left with this goal list. I think it is time to start kicking it into high gear. There are certainly goals on my list that I’m predicting I won’t get completed, but who knows? It’s too early to call it off for a few of them — onward! Hopefully I can get at least one thing on the list completed this month.

These goals progressed during August:

  1. Use 24 different recipes for canning/preserving food
    1. Quickest Kosher Dills from Canning for a New Generation – 08/01/2013
    2. Quicker Kosher Dills from Canning for a New Generation – 08/18/2013
    3. good ol’ Tomatoes – 08/19/2013
  2. Complete Project 356 again – started 01/01/2013
  3. Be free of credit card debt.
  4. Finish my Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban-style Ravenclaw house scarf


I have three full-size tomato plants, a cherry tomato plant and roma tomatoes in my garden this year. I’ve snacked on quite a few little bitty tomatoes throughout the summer, but I’ve only gotten enough full-size tomatoes at once to can two quarts! That is a little disappointing, but it’s got me already thinking about how I’m going to arrange my garden next summer.

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