Photo Update


I finally gave in and now have my own internet at home. I set up a wireless connection all by myself (with some troubleshooting support from my sister and bro-in-law). I feel so tech-y.

So now it is much easier for me to post new photos of Ellipses. He’s been naughty today, but he’s finally cat-napping.

Here he is levitating:

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I’m posting this photo because it’s creepy how all of my pets have glowing eyes. Are they teaming up? (Can you see the fish eyes? Yikes!)

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Here he is trying to get to my milk puddle:

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And, finally, he sleeps:

[Click Here to View Album]

Also, I won’t post the photos here, but if you’re interested: you can view the before and after photos of my frenectomy in the gallery.

I forgot to mention that I posted some photos from a party at Shanai‘s apartment. I went with Ellen because we were pretty sure we wouldn’t know anyone else. (Both of these gals are my coworkers.)

[Click Here to View Album]

[Click Here to View Album]

It was supposed to be a board game party, but I only played one game of cribbage. I want to play Trivial Pursuit.

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