Photography Parties

I was pretty much fabulous all day on Saturday. In the morning I got very excited about graduate school possibilities (and the enthusiasm hasn’t died yet). In the afternoon I played photographer for Rebecca at the Chocolate Extravaganza‘s Fashion Show (and met Katherine Gerdes from Project Runway‘s third season). In the early evening I played Karaoke Revolution with Rebecca and Orion. In the later evening (and into the early morning hours) I partied like an artist somewhere in the southwestern area of Minneapolis. I danced like I have never danced before. I also took many photos. Please enjoy them since I enjoyed taking them.

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No photos from Sunday or Monday but birthdays look like birthdays, right? My 25th birthday was yesterday. After the holidays I’ll be redeeming a gift certificate that my family got for me from the Animal Humane Society. I will be a mother (of a kitty) in 2007! Just wait for it: you will be so sick of looking at my cat.

That’s it for now. My eyes hurt. I think it’s time to switch my contact lenses.

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