I’ve really missed journaling!

Hi, friends. I know it’s been a minute. (Okay, a lot of minutes.) Over the last couple of years I’ve let journaling fall out of my routine and I have really, really missed it. I like sharing things I experience or things I knit or whatever โ€“ even if no one else reads what I write, I like recording my thoughts for later reflection. I like getting thoughts out of my brain and onto paper (er, digital paper?).

Last year I did Project 365 for the second time via Instagram. (The second time seemed easier than the first โ€“ or maybe I’m just more comfortable with the amount of cat photos I take?) This year, I’d like to get back into journaling. To that end, my goal is to blog at least once a week. This is also a Leap Year, so Google tells me there are actually 53 weeks this year – so here I go: post 1 of 53 (at least!).

I am planning to do a review of Project 365 round 2, but for today, I’m setting up my yearly planner. Bad Yogi Erin Motz once shared some prompts that she uses to start and end a year so I just added these as two pages into my book:

Starting the Year:

  • What am I ready for?
  • What am I prepared to release?
  • What are my goals in…
    • personal life
    • work life
    • family/friends
    • health/fitness
  • 3 Attainable Intentions (Action Items!)

And ending the year:

  • What did I learn?
  • What did I accomplish?
  • What did I let go of?
  • What do I still need to let go of?
  • What am I most proud of?
  • What am I most grateful for?

Most of these answers are just for me, but I will share my attainable intentions for this year:

  1. Go to Ireland!
  2. Blog once a week (but you already knew that one).
  3. Get new flooring in the upper level of my house – my biggest house-fixing goal for this year!

Wish me luck! ๐Ÿ˜€


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