May Day Parade 2009

I joined Nicki and Ellen at Mary’s apartment in south Minneapolis for brunch before the annual May Day Parade at Powderhorn Park on May 3rd.

I brought Monkey Bread, and Mary provided a delicious egg bake, fresh berries, yogurt and granola. Nicki prepared the first round of Bloody Marys (prepared with saké instead of vodka—it tasted much smoother).


It was a beautiful morning, so we took some time to enjoy Mary’s backyard, too.

Mary's Backyard

Then we headed to the parade! We sat on someone’s hill and had a pretty good view.

Nicki, Mary and Ellen

Those who distributed parade programs had to dress crazy.

Distributing Parade Programs

But there was a whole lot of other kinds of crazy, too. It was a fun event for people-watching! The parade is hosted (sponsored?) by the In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre, so there were a lot of very creative “floats” and costumes.

Casually walking by on stilts

tall bikes

I'm not sure.

Larger-than-life-size Puppets

Carmen Miranda?


Tree of Knowledge

Thanks for the Wisdom

Chinese Dragons

Polar Bear

I have even more photos from the parade on my computer (I need to ease up on the shutter button), so I may be adding more to the Flickr set as I get them organized.

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