Making some progress…

Oh, hi. I sort of forgot I had this little corner of the world. I remembered it yesterday, however, and thought I would update, but I was blocked by my own spam email/comment protection. Go figure! Anyway, problem solved now—so here’s an update on my current activities.

I signed up for the new Minneapolis wireless internet service and it seems to be a pretty good deal. My brother-in-law Bryan was just over and fixed my home network, which is just great! My iMac is plugged into the modem from USI Wireless and my laptop can connect wirelessly through my router. Why do I need two computers to access the internet? I dunno. I just do.

I finished up last semester with a lot of great work. My final project for my typography class was an academic journal (I focused on typography in magazine design) and not only am I super proud of it, I also received an A for the assignment! In my computer applications class, I received a long-sleeve t-shirt from Marshall University for the brochure I designed as a class assignment. (It promoted the Environmental Assessment & Policy program and mine specifically targeted parents of college-attending students. My brochure was chosen by the faculty of Marshall University as #1 in that category!) Overall, I received As in both classes. This bodes well for my future.

This semester I’ll be taking one class through UMN (“Text and Image”) and one through the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (“Developing Professional Prints and Patterns”). I’ll be crazy busy again, but I’m really feeling quite confident about it all!

My work at the museum has broadened quite a bit as I’ve told my coworkers that I’d like more graphic design experience. The museum’s publications coordinator and designer resigned in September. The position has yet to be filled, but I’ve had the opportunity to adopt some of the necessary projects that the museum needs produced. I’ve designed two bi-monthly calendars of events and many posters and postcards for various programs. My portfolio has filled up quickly!

My non-work life has been pretty lazy over the break, which is a-okay. I’m getting my tiny apartment organized and making a lot of progress with knitted projects. Now that I have internet at home again, maybe I’ll be making some on-line organization progress, too. I’m working on a couple websites for friends and I’d like to redesign my own, as well. We shall see how much progress I make!

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