It’s Business Time.

I’ve been selling lampshades via Etsy as a method of making a little bit of extra money. It sort of worked – I sold two in June and one in July. July was so crazy, though, that I just finished that order. I feel really terrible, but it’s amazing how distracting life can be. So I’m not sure I’ll be listing again for a while… I need to be motivated.

But speaking of motivation, I’ve decided that with only 3 weeks! until school begins again (I’m only taking one course, but that will be enough if I’m ever successful at gaining a second job) that I need to accomplish things. First step was finishing that Etsy order.

Second step is posting my photos from both my adventure in the Pacific Northwest and Areca and Karl’s wedding. I’m hoping to get those online tomorrow night.

Third step is getting this journal (and the rest of the site) looking the way I want it to look.

But right now? Bed time.

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