I’m all over this

So, last night I went to the 8th Street Grill in downtown Minneapolis with Kristi. She works a mere half-a-block away! Awesome. Some of her co-workers were there, too.

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Afterwards, my co-worker, Mary, and her roommates were having a house party. The Amy that lives there turned 22 and the keg was gone by midnight!

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Today my sister and I went down to Chaska, MN. Our dad’s cousin, Prayati, is having her first baby. Mmm, yummy, they served Indian food! And her house is absolutely gorgeous. I might move to Chaska for a house like hers. (My sister posted some other photos of the party on her website, thatonechick.com.)

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As for right now, I am doing okay… I bought a very lovely bottle of Borsao (a wine from Spain) and I am having a couple glasses. I have had the worst headache all day. I think it might explode soon, but for now I’ll keep it in check with the Borsao. I need a massage. And a vacation. (Trip to visit Lynn in Boston is just over a month away! Can’t wait!)

I am very much looking forward to the RenFest tomorrow. I want some hot belly dancin’ action!

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