I am overdue for posting a huge amount of photos!

First off, I have a picture of the daisy that bloomed just after Karyn and Bryan’s first anniversary. I planted it after the wedding last year, and it took one year to get pretty. It’s still an odd plant, though.

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This weekend I kept busy. On Saturday night, I invited Karyn, Bryan and Barry over for a little dinner party. I prepared a Caprese Salad, Chicken Cacciatore, and Italian Love Cake for dessert.

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Then we all rocked out with Karaoke Revolution for a while. Bryan’s character was dressed in a huge cat suit and that was pretty funny. Barry dressed his character in a renaissance garb, but it was the little twisty mustache that creeped me out.

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Sunday morning began the festival of graduation for many of my friends. First was brunch with Jen and her family at Vic’s on St. Anthony Main. Delish!

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After that Kristi and I went to IKEA for good times. We had forgotten about the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, but luckily it was over and traffic wasn’t too messy.

We spent the rest of the afternoon staring at the TV while I did laundry at my old apartment for probably the last time.

Early evening, we headed to Jon’s graduation party at his house.

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For a finale, we headed to Orion’s party at his sister’s house in the ‘burbs.

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I sort of wish I had taken up Jen’s offer to use one of her reserved seats at the actual graduation ceremony in the afternoon, but how was I to know that Jen, Jon and Orion would all be walking across the stage during the same ceremony? UMN is too small sometimes.

Yesterday was a long day as I spent much time with other peoples’ families. Left my house around 11am and didn’t return until 10pm. I am tired today, I need more tea and I have a meeting in a half hour so I should get something accomplished, I guess.

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