Halfway There


Yesterday I went to Sherwin-Williams to buy some paint for my kitchen and my living room. I have been staring at and considering some Behr paint chips that I had picked up at Home Depot back in May, so I brought them along. I found some similar colors in S-W’s selection for my living room, but nothing really compared for my chosen kitchen color. I didn’t think it was a big deal, though—they have a fancy “color matching” system for competitor’s paint. It seems, however, that it’s difficult to get pigmentation for bright yellow/orange/reds exactly right. My very patient paint girl tried like hell to mix the color I was hoping for, but it just wasn’t happening. She tried two mixes before we went over to the paint chip wall and found a color that was in the same family, but needed about a 50% tint. I learned my lesson for the next time I’m considering painting a room: get my chips directly from my paint supplier! S-W has a good selection, too, I just didn’t realize that different paint companies can vary so much.

Kristi and Mary

Today got off to a much more positive start. Mary came over and had brunch with Kristi and me. I made a ridiculous amount of egg bake, Kristi made some banana bread, and Mary brought fresh fruit and the makings for mimosas. It was a very delicious morning—and just the right kind of meal for getting more kitchen work done!

Putty knife behind tile

I got all of the tiles in my backsplash removed and removed as much glue as possible (with Kristi’s help). I also patched all of the walls so when I start painting, I can get it all done in one (or two) shot(s).

From the left

From the right

In the corner

all gone

Kristi power-sands

Kristi thought she should be wearing protective eyewear while using the power-sander, so I loaned her some sunglasses. “It’s kind of dark,” she said.

Patched walls

Patched backsplash

What’s left to do? After the patches dry, I will sand them a bit to get them even, then wash the walls once more (only water), and then I can paint!

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