Flash on the Beach 2009

Flash on the Beach 2009I just saw this opportunity to win a ticket to Flash on the Beach 2009 by posting this little banner. Thought I would grab it as it would fantastic to attend this conference! I’m constantly trying to increase my Flash knowledge, and there’s no better method than total immersion.

Also, it would be super to check another state off of my “To Visit” list.

Flash on the Beach conference is the premier Flash conference in Europe (and soon to be the USA!) It has grown quickly and gained fantastic status as the ‘must go to’ conference around. With FOTB06, FOTB07 & FOTB08 being such massive successes, this year we have a hard act to follow, but FOTBM09 will be even better!

Nearly 50 of the world’s most talented designers, developers, creatives, film makers and artists presenting on 3 tracks over 3 full days. Flash on the Beach brings together the most creative, technical, inspirational, awe-inspiring, educational and entertaining industry leading speakers in the rich media industry.

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