Finished Object: Ondas Blanket

Here’s my attempt to pick back up with posting in this space. I figured I’d better start with a finished knitted project since I have a bazillionty of them to share!

(Somehow, miraculously, my hands don’t hurt yet.)

This was a fairly simple project made for my friend Mary’s second kid, Cora. I gifted this to Mary last last summer (2016). Cora’ll be celebrating her first birthday soon!


(Maybe I should’ve cleaned up the piles of junkmail before taking these photos… oops.)

Pattern: Ondas by Laura Wilson-Martos
Made For: Cora
Needle: US 7 – 4.5mm
Yarn: Plymouth Yarn Baby Boutique
Completed: July 23, 2016

The pattern looked to be the right level of challenging and quick so I matched it up with some yarn I had in my stash: the discontinued Baby Boutique from Plymouth. It’s half microfiber, so it’s squishy and soft — perfect for baby! Unfortunately the yarn didn’t take long to run right out of itself. This blanket is much smaller than I had hoped it would be but hopefully worked (maybe still works?) well for a carseat cover or comfort object.



Unfortunately the only photo I snapped of the whole thing before I gave it away was taken while it was drying after its first wash. I guess you can get a sense of scale, though: I use the rubber pads from my old skool Dance Dance Revolution dance pad for blocking!


I’m also pleased that I did figure out how to fix a missed yarnover without ripping out a whole row (or five?) of knitting. There were a lot of stitches at this point… so, thank goodness. It’s challenges like this that reassure me that I’m a decent knitter.


The scallop details were fun to work through and kept the knit interesting. I would easily make this pattern again. Next time though: more yardage!

See this project on Ravelry »

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