Finished Object: Bam Pow Mitts (again)


Pattern: Fightin’ Words by Annie Watts
Made For: Kari
Needle: US 1 & US 2
Yarn: Dale Garn Baby Ull
Completed: February 21, 2015

These mitts are the reason I haven’t shared any honeymoon photos. After I knit a pair for my sister, a coworker of hers saw them and asked if I would knit a pair for her — to make another friend jealous! They are pretty fun mitts, really.


It’s a pretty quick pattern to knit, so I told Kari I could have them finished two weeks after I was able to pick up the yarn. The colorwork on these goes fast, and working with Baby Ull was a great experience. The practice of knitting this pattern twice in such a short period of time really hammered in some crucial skills (such as m1R and m1L — I almost didn’t need to look at my cheat sheet for the correct way of picking up the stitch ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).


I did have a mental block on the best way of picking up the stitches around the thumb, but worrying about doing it in a better way made these thumbs a little easier in the end (during yarn-ends-weaving). Speaking of, even weaving in the ends on these seemed to go a little quicker.


Would I knit these again? Sure! But I would really like to finish two or three of the other projects I have on needles first… Next on the finishing block: daybreak shawl!

See more on Ravelry.

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