Final: Persuasive Poster

This is the final poster I submitted for critique last Thursday, the 21st. It is 24″x36″ (the maximum size for the assignment).

The line weight in the illustration is much nicer than my first draft. It’s more organic and human, which helps viewers better identify with it. I am really satisfied with how it looks (and it’s also great to learn how to do something new). I am concerned about how the knee and the (right) arm overlap. I added a little mark to indicate some depth in the body, but now should I add another mark behind/under the leg to indicate the arm extension? I tried that, but then it didn’t look… right. Maybe I didn’t shape it well enough. I think in the future I would actually bring the arm in front of the leg (which makes the pose slightly more difficult, but still practical) to eliminate this issue.

Some of my classmates commented on the awkward placement and alignment of the two text blocks. The main text could better align with the curvature of the back, which might make it easier to read. In its current form, it’s choppy and the flow isn’t as smooth as it could be. If I corrected that for a future version, it could add a stronger sense of being organic.

The subtext (by the knee) should probably be smaller and closer to the body. I was trying to frame the whole image, but with the full bleed of the illustration, perhaps the framing is effective in the way I was intending it. I want to continue to include the pose name somehow, so that if this poster were to convince someone – they would have a beginning “in” to the practice. For the next assignment (a series campaign for the same theme), including the name might not be necessary as it would be more about “what to do” and less about “how to do” (image vs. text).


Angela Tank

I am excited to see this develop as a campaign! Don’t be afraid to use the sanskrit (?) names as part of your imagery or intrigue . . . I still think they would lend visual interest and an organic nature to the textual elements of your poster (depending on font, size, layout, etc).

Lisa Reed

Hi Amy. I love the illustration, it fits so well with your concept. I totally agree—the line quality is much better in your final version. The varying line widths gives the figure dimension so it doesn’t appear to be flat. I think the order of the text on the right reads correctly (having yoga can help at the bottom) but it looks a little awkward having the text of the headline and main copy be the same size. The supporting copy on the left could just be at the bottom left?? Maybe? I think having the supporting copy in the lower left would balance the design (and the direction of the figure’s arm leads to that corner too).

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