Continued from my previous post…
I made Jason see some Vermillion sights since we were there and he’d never been to South Dakota. (There is still a whole lot of state left for him to see.) We actually started in Nebraska, but it was still “Vermillion” since we had only crossed the river outside of town.

I also brought him to the Shrine to Music Museum.

After we had our fill of music, we headed back home to Minneapolis. When I got home, a new beer was waiting for me. (It’s named for my neighborhood!)

Later in the week I went to see some stand up comedy with Crystal and Jess. It was open mic night, so it wasn’t great, but it was still fun.

I also started a flower garden in a little corner of my backyard. It’s cute! I can imagine I’ll be forgetting to water it a lot this summer, though.

I went roller skating with Vani. When do I get to go again? I need to make more time for this.

I also should make more time for house-hopping dinner parties, like a big group of friends of mine organized recently. It was a fun day and by only spending an hour and a half at each apartment, things didn’t have time to get dull.

I also recently won a couple of books via Twitter – go, go, Web Design learnin’!

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