Every single one of us: devil inside

Karaoke last night was awesome! Sort of… I wish I had gotten to sing more, but it was amazing how many people showed up. It was snowing like mad again (still is, too) but Legend’s was hoppin’! Jen and I had a two-song Irish song series for St. Patty’s Day… Later I sang “Devil Inside” by INXS and it’s still in my head because I feel like I totally rocked that song. It was fun! Also what was awesome was that Brenda got me into the singing line-up *just* before the lights turned on for closing — so I got to sing the last song (“Barracuda” by Heart). Woop!

Today coworker Mary and I are driving to South Dakota for a long weekend (floating holiday tomorrow at work). I hope the roads aren’t too terrible.

I also went to view an apartment last night and it’s great and I’m going to submit my rental application via fax today, I think… I’m excited to move to a new neighborhood (near the Basilica in downtown Minneapolis) — it’s refreshing to have a change of scenery. I am not excited to move things like my couch, however.

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