Empty apartment

Moving on Monday would not have been possible without help from Karyn and Barry. I don’t know why I thought I’d be able to do it on my own. I’m too desperate to be self-sufficient, I guess. On Saturday I finally get my couch and bookshelves and dresser and armoire with help from Barry and Bryan. Then I can really finally unpack all of my miscellaneous junk.

Currently I am stealing internet at Karyn and Bryan’s apartment. I’m trying to get used to being a professional bus-rider since I think I’d rather buy a new computer than a new car (not that either of these things will have a possibility of happening for some time… I have a goal to pay off very, very old, bad debt before allowing myself to indulge). I took the 4 from my new home to the Quarry to visit Target and PetsMart, then took the 4 back to home. I unloaded my purchases, ate lunch, worked on finally getting channels on my new-to-me tv (with my new antenna), then took the 6 from home to Uptown. In a little bit I’ll be taking the 6 back to home.

Yesterday I didn’t leave the new apartment at all and by 5pm I was fairly bored (no internet, zero channels on the TV and no bookshelves to organize) so today I decided I had to put on some pants and get out into the world. It’s surprisingly easy to not go to work. I like it there, but I also like not wearing pants in the privacy of my new single-gal home. Also since I have TV to watch tonight and a new Netflix subscription, I don’t think I’ll be nearly as bored as yesterday.

It is strange getting used to not having anyone to stare at in the evenings and my apartment feels really big right now. In a couple months maybe I’ll be able to get a kitty or two to help fill the place up.

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