Day 17 – Your favorite memory

i am not feeling very nostalgic right now, but i turned 29 last weekend so i’ll tell you about that.


i took some friends roller skating.

IMG_0620 (316/365) @ roller garden IMG_0640

that’s what i look like when i’m skating away! i think i need to work on my form.


afterwards i got a drink named after me, “tropical storm amy.” that was pretty neat. considering it was a blizzard outside. i took the opportunity to pretend i was on a beach.


i can’t stop taking photos of this pug. his name is sid.

the next morning, i woke up early and braved the snowy, slick streets to eat some brunch with my gal, kristi. i had pancakes and bacon and they were dee-lish-us! delicious.

then i cleaned cleaned cleaned my house and baked baked baked a cake and mixed mixed mixed up a cheeseball and pinwheels. because i was expecting company, you see. buddies to help me celebrate my birthday.


chris arrived first and, being a girl and all, i wasn’t quite ready for company yet. so i made him frost the cake. he did a very lovely job.


my niece started saying my name this weekend! that was a very nice birthday gift. she’s too cute, i think i’ll keep her around.

IMG_0661 IMG_0662 (317/365) @ home

i love this photo. ann and hannie look like they’re giggling at the same girly gossip!

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then dan brought the most giganticest bottle of bubbly he could find at the liquor store a block away.


and my friends played yahtzee.

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all of the fun really tuckered poor ellipses right out, i guess.


my neighbors from across the street, sarah and rich, brought me a couple bottles from their store, vinaigrette. 50th and xerxes in minneapolis! go peruse their wares.

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my peace lily bloomed! how nice.

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and i have some wines that aren’t three buck chuck because my friends are so generous and nice. (note that bottle of apothic red! somebody has been reading these little updates – hooray!)

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