what will this reveal about my soul? i dunno.

the strap of my bag broke as i entered the subway in boston, we were heading back to the airport to come home. that was early september. i haven’t found a suitable new bag yet.
- (note that there is a pocket for my silly phone in the purse, but my phone is out on my desk at the moment)
- (i would also usually have a pack of gum, but it’s in my car right now)
- kodak easyshare m320 camera
- “i voted” sticker
- chapstick (strawberry)
- dental floss (mint)
- bobby pins
- elastic hair ties
- cat fur (as ampersand likes to dig for and steal my elastic hair ties)
- items for special lady times
- a bead from an earring that apparently broke in my bag
- nail file
- hand lotion
- green highlighter with post-it notes
- black sharpie
- blue gel pen
- black ball point pen
- eye drops
- my name badge that gets me into my office, attached to a mapquest lanyard and the key to my desk (is that a security risk, telling you all of this?)
- coin purse with a bunch of pennies and other coins that i don’t feel like counting, i’ll estimate it to be about $1.34
- ipod nano (original)
- generic ear buds
- a carabiner with keys to my house, my car, and my sister’s house – oh, and a usb drive i never use
- kleenex travel pack
- printed coupons for free birthday stuff (caribou coffee and aveda)
- fancy post-it travel pack with a tiny pen
- small, red hard-cover notebook with a pen (the most important note scribbled within is that i need to buy some “apothic red” wine, i tried it at a coffee shop one night and went back for more, it was so delish) (i also wrote down a list of all of the states i’ve visited, i’m at 27!)
- my wallet:
- bonus club punch card from needlework unlimited
- starbucks gift card
- 2 target gift cards
- giftcard for forever 21
- clinic prescription refill procedures
- roadside assistance information card
- naughty credit card
- receipt of deposit from my bank
- a tiny bit of cash, which i’ll use to go roller skating tonight
- more coupons to use at aveda
- necessary insurance cards
- under-utilized business cards
- business cards from various business around the twin cities
- so many mostly worthless reward club cards (petsmart, famous footwear, new york & co, dunn brothers, morrie’s, panera, borders, rainbow, aveda)
- debit card
- membership cards (bally’s [though i quit so i should take this out], mpr, minneapolis public libraries)
- my blood donor card (much like my preferred attitude: b positive)
- identification cards (umn, driver’s license that i seriously need to get updated)
- receipt from my old chicago beer tour account, apparently i’ve lost my card or something (18 more beers ’til i complete the whole tour, i’ve only been working on it for 8 years or something)

that was an exciting way to kill some time!
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