When Erin landed at LAX, she called her cousin, Chris, who lives in Aliso Viejo. We were lucky enough to get him as a tour guide around Laguna Beach for the afternoon!
Erin and I took the 405 to the Pacific Coast Highway near Long Beach, then cruised… I also made Erin take photos out of the window as we drove.

I can’t wait to take a million more photos like this one in Hawaii. (Two weeks!)

Our first stop was Wahoo’s Fish Taco on Fashion Island. We later met Chris, his wife, Stacey, and their adorable chihuahua, Bruiser, there.

In this photo, Erin is actually sitting in the sun because she’s freezing and needs to warm up (she later changed her outfit—you’ll see). California was surprisingly chilly during this visit.

After I took this photo, Chris told me about polarizing lens (it would take the reflection off of the water). I found one when I got home (it’s Karyn’s) so now I need to learn how to use it.

I was all shocked. “Who puts a merry-go-round in the outdoors like this?? California is crazy.” Then Erin reminded me about the merry-go-round at Como Zoo. Oh, right.

This photo was Chris’ idea. I should hang out with other photographers more often—they have good tips!

Everything on Fashion Island was too expensive. I wanted to buy things to take home for family and friends, but figured I would get them better, more expensive gifts from Hawaii instead.
After wandering around Fashion Island, we all hopped into Chris’ car and he drove us to Laguna Beach. This time I took photos out of the car window.

Chris told us this house had been vacant for a couple years. If no one else wants to live there, I guess I will.

Can you believe how much birds can poop? Good thing they have a rock to poop on instead of using the beach.

There was a surfer pretty far out in the water here. I tried to get a photo, but he kept falling into the water. I’ll get some surfer photos in Hawaii, hopefully.

Why don’t I live here? I love the ocean.

I let Chris hold my camera while Erin and I waded around in the Pacific Ocean.

For dinner, Erin and I got ourselves back into downtown Los Angeles and our concierge recommended Bottega Louie a couple blocks away. Now I recommend it, too. The food is so tasty and the restaurant has a fun atmosphere!

Next up: what I learned at Adobe MAX. (It’s about time I review all of the materials I brought home!)
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