If only I could get myself to post photos in a more timely manner. Oh, well!
A little less than a month ago, I joined Kristi in Vermillion/Sioux City for her first bridal shower with her mom’s side of the family (aunts and cousins).

One of Kristi’s wedding colors is a dark blue, so her aunt Sue served blueberry juice — cute. ๐

Sage, the 9-month-old daughter of one of Kristi’s cousins, stole a little bit of attention from Kristi — whaddayado?

Kristi’s first gift was a pan of Scotcheroos from Aunt Rachel (which she later shared with her lucky upstairs neighbor [me]).

Kristi’s soon-to-be mother-in-law sent two new plates. Hopefully Kristi and Jared will get more of the place settings for which they registered and host a fabulous dinner party after their lives have settled down a little.

Kristi got two trays for breakfast-in-bed — so I guess Jared will have to bring in Kristi’s tray first, then go get his own after she’s taken care of! Right?

I gave Kristi a cookbook all about tomatoes and some new red washrags for her kitchen. I know how much she likes to cook vegetables and decorate with red accessories. Or something like that…

Fetching, yes?

After all of the gift opening, Kristi and Sage shared the center stage for a moment.

Aunt Sue made a delicious cake. I could’ve eaten half the pan, I think.

Kristi told us all about her new Denby plates – microwave safe, dishwasher safe and oven safe. The oven safe means it’s chip-resistant.
Later that night, it was Vermillion bar crawl time. Kristi and I both walked from our respective parents’ houses and met in the middle at the Silk Road Cafe.

First pitcher at Carey’s…

Then we had a pitcher and some chips and salsa at the Main Street Pub…

Then for some reason we decided to have more drink at the Char Bar. But why? Your guess is as good as mine.

Too bad I wasn’t on Gowalla then! I could’ve created many new venues for the Gowalla-less city.

And I ended my visit with a requisite cat photo. Spooky is 15 years old! I can’t believe it — life is happening too fast.
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