Baby, it’s cold outside

Last night, Jason and I met at the Crooked Pint Pub in downtown for our annual date night to see Dan Navarro play. We’ve been seeing him every year since 2010 — in fact, during the show in 2010, I told Jason I loved him for the very first time. Dan had started playing ‘Cold Outside’ and Jason had told me that the song was for me.

Something in your eyes
Something in your smile
Says we’d be magic together

I melted.

(84/365) @ fine line music cafe

Anyway, it’s always a fun night out and Dan always puts on a good show.

Over the past couple of years, we’ve learned that we need to make reservations ahead of time and just plan to have a long, leisurely dinner in order to get a good table for the show. We had a great table last night! Three tables back from the stage, right in the middle — perfect placement for Dan’s acoustic encore at the end of the night.

Dan started with a few Lowen & Navarro songs and Jason and I sang along. The third song was ‘Cold Outside’, so naturally I made Jason hold my hand and be schmoopy with me. We continued to sing along. Then, halfway through the song, Dan started talking about how so many people love this song. His friend, Jillian, loves the song. Another friend of his loves the song. And, in fact, some special moments have happened during this song — he brought the attention to us. “Jason, didn’t you tell me that something special happened with you and Amy during this song? Well, Amy, I think Jason has another something special for you tonight!”

This is about the moment when I stopped hearing any sound, because Jason had produced and opened a little black box, revealing a beautiful antique engagement ring inside. I was overjoyed, but I was also overwhelmed by the attention — there were about 30–40 other people surrounding us! And a couple strangers taking photos of us! It was an incredible moment.

Then I finally heard Dan narrating: “okay, he’s got the ring, she’s wiping her eyes, but what was her reply??”

So I literally shouted, “Of course!!!” and the audience erupted in applause and congratulations.

We'd be magic together

It was very sweet — a perfect moment. I wore the ring for the rest of the show, of course, and Jason kept catching me taking looks at it. “It’s shiny!” I would reply.


The restaurant even surprised us with some congratulatory cheesecake! Yum.

Another especially memorable night with Dan Navarro


When we got home, Jason got down on one knee and proposed again since I missed it the first time. And, of course, my reply was ‘yes’ — again. ๐Ÿ™‚



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