Anatomy of a Baby Shower Invitation

My sister, Karyn, is due April 6 with my first niece or nephew! (We’ll find out which when the kid arrives.) There is a lot of excitement buzzing around my family (first grandchild, first great-grandchild, etc. for both sides [maternal/paternal] of our family) and I’m excited because it gives me an excuse to buy many things that I like but are more appropriate for children.

I’m hosting a family and friends shower for Karyn in early March and decided to go a little nuts with the invitations (click on the images for a better view):

Supplies for Crafting

I started by gathering all of my supplies at both Michaels and Archiver’s. (Note: I’m very experienced with an X-acto knife. Please don’t drink and X-acto… like I do.)

Fancy Scissors to Make Fancy Cuts

I’m going for a jungle theme with this shower as Karyn has registered for a lot of monkey things and I’ve already (Christmas) gifted Baby Crouse with many stuffed animals (note what I said earlier…). I was inspired by some invitations at Archiver’s and got fun scissors that made a cut which reminded me of grass.

Inserting the Details

I printed all of the details on a white card that Mom and I glued inside of invitations.

Adding the Ribbon

After making sure she was doing it right, I let Mom add the ribbons to the front flap of the invitations.

Placing the Animal Stickers

I got many cute, 3-D animals stickers made by Jolee’s, which we put on the front of the card. With the four different patterns of ribbon that we used, all of the invitations seemed unique!

The Happy Crafters - Finished!

Mom and I were happy to finish all of the invitations (we made 50!) and get them into envelopes for mailing.

And, of course, after all of our hard work and I handed Karyn the invitation I reserved for her, she informed me that I mistyped her address.

Think these are great? You can still sign up to have me make something awesome for you!

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