Another weekend gone

On Friday, Kristi rented Pretty in Pink and Sixteen Candles so we could once and for all figure out what events happened in which movie. I think we are clear now. Jen came over for Sixteen Candles, too. I spent intermission downloading songs by Cher, INXS and the OMD (last download inspired by the prom scene in Pretty in Pink).

On Saturday I woke up early for a haircut at the Aveda Institute. I over-tipped my stylist-girl but maybe that will give me good karma for my next trip to Aveda. Afterwards I went home to grab Kristi and change for bellydancing class. Met Karyn at the Center. Margo wasn’t teaching this weekend because she is in a performance. I hope she is back next weekend. Also I bought zills (finger cymbals) so I can practice and drive Kristi crazy.

That night, Jen, Kristi and I headed to St. Paul for some Rollergirls action. Scotty, the announcer, told us that it was the biggest audience the Rollergirls have seen so far. And it was packed!

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I’m happy that they’re popular but not happy that it took forever to get beer. But, speaking of Scotty, I think I am in love with him.

Um, anywho… We rooted for the Garda Belts (vs. Atomic Bombshells) and they won.

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We also rooted for the Dagger Dolls (vs. Rockits) and that match was very close — very well played by both teams — but the Dagger Dolls were the victors. Hooray!

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The gals and I went to Station 4 for a drink at the after party.

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It was very crowded, but another friend, Ryan, still managed to find me. We hung out for a little while before Kristi’s insatiable hunger took over and we had to make an emergency trip to Taco Bell.

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We then met Jon, Lucas and Lucas’s friend, Alex, at Stub & Herb’s. It was unfortunately really dead and no one was there to listen to me sing karaoke (I made Jen and Jon come listen to my one song). We also e-bowled a couple times. It was a lot of fun! The waitress was drunk, a couple of characters got rowdy and thrown out, and sexual innuendos were being thrown around like leaves falling from a tree.

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At bar time, Jen asked Lucas to give me a ride home since he lives closer to me. He wasn’t going home, of course & he was going to poker night at a coworker’s apartment building (and I learned all of their names, and I could still tell you what they are). We took 280 to Larpenteur, but after that I don’t know where we were. Oh, well. All of the boys were wagering their money and Alex kept trying to kiss me and I asked too many questions to Jeff.

Alex was a very sweet, very inebriated young man.

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I felt sort of awkward being the only girl, but they all seemed like very pleasant guys. I could have played, too, but I’m not the gambling kind of gal. Finally, around 4am, Jeff was going home (and he lives in my neighborhood somewhere) and since Lucas was not going home anytime soon, I made Jeff drive me home. It was a fun adventure but I was happy to go to bed.

I slept until noonish yesterday, then Kristi and I brought our hangovers to the Spring Street Tavern. She drank coffee, I drank a Bloody Mary and we both ordered the Spring Street Browns (mine with eggs on top).

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We drove to Hollywood Video before going back home and I rented In Her Shoes and The Girl in the Cafe. Then we went home and barely moved from our respective couches until 8pm. It is awesome having two couches.

I didn’t sleep well last night, so I still feel a little blah, but at least the museum is very quiet today. Welcome to Monday.



Hey, Ryan here(alas i have no blogger account). Yes, it was indeed packed. It was by chance I found you in the sea of people at Station 4. Saw you from the open window thingamagjig. Check your email and call me soon!


Ah-ha… It was my duty to find a “good spot” to hang out, so I parked us by that window in order to see the bands and feel not-so-crowded.

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