Ampersand’s Big Adventure

Ampersand is about 6 or 7 months old now, so I thought it was about time to take her to her first appointment with the veterinarians at the Kitty Klinic (35th Street and Lyndale Avenue in Minneapols).

Ampersand resting

I dropped her off at about 8 a.m. this morning, and brought her home shortly after 5 p.m. She had a full day—vaccinations, microchipping, and spaying. She’s been very quiet all night, but seems happy to be home. Ellipses had his worries for a little while (since she probably smelled like all of the other kitties from the clinic), but he has since calmed down, too. I guess I have a weekend full of quiet kitties ahead of me.

I have to bring her back in about a week and half to remove her stitches, then a couple weeks after that again for other booster shots. Then hopefully we can all stay home for a good long time!

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