Last night I attended the Vikings vs. Rams game at the Metrodome in Minneapolis. It was my first football game (ever) and my second excursion to the Metrodome.

Normally, I wouldn’t attend this kind of event. My coworker, Jane, gave me her family’s two season tickets for the game. I didn’t have any other plans, so I decided to take the opportunity (and dragged my brother-in-law, Bryan, along to the game).

I sort of understand football now. I told Bryan, “This Thanksgiving? I’m going to be all about watching the game.”

In other news, yesterday was Karyn’s 31st birthday. She and Barry (his 33rd yesterday) are celebrating tonight with a kegger. Should be good times!

But right now I’m accompanying Rebecca and Whitney to the humane society. I’m going along in order to pet kitties—Rebecca will be doing the adopting.

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